38 Weeks – Room Is Ready

Reality is starting to set in.  We have one week and one day until our little one is scheduled to arrive.  Having a scheduled arrival date has both advantages and disadvantages.  We have put off many baby preparation tasks, but it is also helping us make them a top priority now that we only have a week left.  I am still feeling good.  Getting less sleep with frequent trips to the restroom and it is getting even harder to get up off the ground.

Nursery “before” picture.  This room was my craft room and the spot for all random things in our house.

Nursery “after” picture.  We are so happy with the result.  We sold a handful of items and donated close to 20 boxes of goods.  My craft supplies are now located in the guest room closet and our master bedroom.  We can not recommend Frog tape enough if you have a painting task, it worked really well.  It worked so well that we had to hand paint over where the dark blue was not painted in the straight line we got from using this tape.

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