Our First Family Painting

Cooper is very proud of his family portrait.

Cooper is in blue in the center
Daddy is in red on the left
Mama is in red above Cooper
Nicholas is in blue on the right
There is “a yellow border so it can be framed”
It is hard to see, but in pencil in the bottom right he has signed the painting “Coop.”

The first couple of months were a very hard adjustment for Cooper at the full time Montessori school.  He did fantastic in the classroom, but was just exhausted when he left resulting in some very big emotions for a couple of hours each day after school.  Learning about the Montessori philosophy and classroom style has been very informative for us.

We have both boys much more involved in the food prep and “jobs” around the house.

We are taking more time to slow down and really notice what is going on around us, especially through the eyes of the boys.

Cooper is much more into drawing and loves taking his “cookbook” doodle board in the stroller on walks with us to make drawings or tally the number of mailboxes he sees with Nicholas.

Using the reusable bento boxes has really helped expand the variation in lunch food for Cooper.  This was one of my weakest lunch days and I had to capture the goal of filling the different shaped sections with today’s very poor attempt by just cutting up a sandwich to fit the shapes.

Cooper seems to be loving the art time at school, beads in particular.  The painting is a rare occurrence, but we have 20+ pipe cleaner bracelets threaded with beads and a couple of beaded necklaces.  I do love the variety of colors, they go with every outfit!

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