Remlinger Farm

We have to thank Groupon for this fantastic day of adventure. Nothing like an approaching expiration date to help get an activity on the calendar.
This was Cooper’s first carnival ride. We both anticipated he would get scared and one of us would have to go get him from the ride, but he loved it. He smiled like this the entire time. His second ride was in a kayak along a water path and he liked that one too. This makes me one happy Mama.
To add to his “firsts” list he then went for a pony ride on Peaches. He was expressionless and quiet during the ride, but talked about it a bunch after it was over. He really enjoyed getting to sit in the drivers seat of a bus and firetruck.
Cooper loved his first train ride so much that we waited in line and did it twice during our visit. Nicholas was a fantastic sport through it all and the new sights and sounds.

This place is perfect for little kids and we will definitely go again.