Slumber Party

Cooper and Nicholas have been very excited to have super friend time these past couple of days.  Madeleine’s little brother has been sending mixed signals on when exactly he wants to arrive.  Above the kids were practicing for their upcoming slumber party.  One day these crazy kids could have a slumber party on the floor together, but for now we are sticking with cribs in separate rooms.

This pictures sums up just how much fun Madeleine and Cooper had.  They were putting each other to “bed” using the blanket to cover the other one up.  I loved watching their creativity when playing together.

Grandpa and Grandma came over one morning to help cart everyone to the blueberry farm for a picking adventure.   While out in the fields I opted to feed Nicholas in the carrier instead of heading back to the car and it went surprisingly well.  Nicholas is really turning into a “go with the flow” kind of kid and we are loving it!

These new play cupcakes came in very handy to help us celebrate baby Elliott’s birthday.


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