4 Months


Length – 26.25″ (90%)

Weight – 16 lbs. 1 ounce (74%)

Head Circumference –  17″ (74%)

We have finally found a stuffed animal to take monthly pictures with to show Nicholas’ growth this first year.  Welcome Wally!

Development:  Nicholas loves to sit up in the Bumbo or on your lap.  His favorite position to be carried is in your arms facing out.  We have started carrying him more in the Bjorn facing forward because his neck is getting so strong and he loves to look around.  Tummy time is actually enjoyable in small spurts for him now.  He loves to grab and bat at the toys on his play mat.  One of his favorite activities is to sit in his bouncy chair, while we eat, and use his legs to bounce/kick the blanket off of him over and over again.

Smiling/Crying: He is smiling a lot more and loves to smile at others while being held by his Mama.  His cries are primarily before falling asleep, waking up after a long nap wanting to eat and when he needs to burp.

Pooping: Predictable two “outfit changers” a day.  One is a morning treat for Daddy to greet him when he gets out of the shower.  Nicholas’ first feeding is typically done in our room so we can keep Cooper sleeping as late as possible.  The second outfit change typically happens after the longer afternoon nap at 3ish.

Eating:  Our boy loves to eat and is pretty consistent about letting exactly 120 minutes lapse before he requests another meal.  It is around this age that rumor has it they may start eating less frequently, but we will have to wait and see.  His last feeding is close to 7:30pm for the night.  Nicholas continues to be less and less of a fan of the bottle.  We are going to keep trying so we can get Mama some freedom and Nicholas some variation in who feeds him.

Sleeping: We are now putting Nicholas down for the night around 8 or 9pm and he is waking up at 5:30 or 6am.  He recently had a cold and has started waking up to eat at 3am each morning. The waking up in the middle of the night has outlasted the congestion so we are going to keep our fingers crossed he will start sleeping through the night again soon.

Notes from our doctors visit:  Nicholas is growing consistently and still on the bigger side of the curve.  He giggled when the doctor did the hip-flexor test.  When we mentioned that he has recently been waking up in the night, the doctor asked if we are considering sleep training.  He felt with his history of crying so much that he will be very difficult to sleep train so if we are interested we should start early.  Note: When we heard this out we started that night 🙂

We had Cooper go first to get his shot and he didn’t even cry.  He started to cry when Nicholas started to cry from his shots though.


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