Friends Old and New
What a special day. The boys and I headed to my dear friend Alison’s house to meet her little girl Annika. Alison is my oldest friend as our parents met in baby group; her birthday is the day after mine.
It is pretty crazy to think that the friends we have made in baby group could be long time friends of Cooper’s and he could get together with them when they have kids of their own.
This afternoon we headed to Madeleine’s house to help her celebrate her big 2nd birthday. Cooper was extra sweet to her on her special day.

He can reach their door bell and was very proud of it.

This evening Nicholas and Mama headed to Seattle for bookclub while Daddy and Cooper enjoyed dinner at Taco Time together. It is definitely more effort to enjoy girl time with a non-bottle taking Nicholas in tow, but totally worth it. Cooper loved having special Daddy time too. Daddy ordered Cooper a bean soft taco, but they gave him beef which made quite the mess at the restaurant. He didn’t feel as bad though since he had ordered the less messy beans in the first place. Cooper happily finished off the kid soft taco with no trouble… What are we going to do when his appetite increases?