1 Week & 21 Months

Today marks two special milestones at our house.  Nicholas turns the big 1 week and Cooper is now 21 months old!

At one week we are still learning a lot about Nicholas and helping welcome him to the world outside the womb.  Nene has mastered the sleeping Nicholas technique: wrap him in a blanket, hold him close and rock him in the glider.  He is a strong eater and enjoys eating every 2 hours which means a one hour break between feedings for Mama.  He likes to furrow his brow and has beautiful big eyes.  We are falling more in love with him each day and get excited as we get to see more about his personality.

Cooper at 21 months…

Development:  Almost daily Cooper is adding new words to his vocabulary.  He loves playing basketball with his Daddy each night and playing with the soccer ball in the front yard during the day.  There is more time spent carrying the soccer ball at this stage, but each day he gets a couple more kicks in.  Cooper still loves to go on walks to get the mail and use the key in our mailbox slot.  He is still a little hesitant on stairs outside of our house and prefers to hold on to someone’s hand.  He has a love/hate relationship with vacuums.  He freezes up when a vacuum is turned on, but instantly says ‘more’ as soon as it is turned off. He constantly talks about the vacuum which his version of the word sounds a lot like ‘monkey.’  He loves the word ‘stuck’ which might come from the book “The Little Blue Truck” or somewhere else, but he uses it ALL the time.  Cooper loves to help, especially making Daddy’s coffee in the morning and with doing the laundry.

Routine:  Cooper is a big fan of routine.  Before Nene’s arrival we typed up a detailed summary of how we typically spend our days.  Probably a little too detailed, but it apparently worked as a great reference for her while we were gone.  Both Cooper and Nene knew what to expect at each step of the routine.  The day typically starts at 7am with a rest at 9am while Mama showers, then an activity at 10, lunch at noon, a nap from 1-4, dinner at 5:30, bath at 6:30 and bedtime at 7pm.  We are still brushing his teeth twice a day after breakfast and before bedtime.

Milestones:  First time spending the night at home without Mama and Daddy, 2 nights while we were at the hospital.  Becoming a big brother.

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