Day 12: Stopping Short in Santa Fe

A little pre-flight reading in Austin

Leaving Austin we slept in a little after the previous extra early morning start from Montgomery.  Our original goal was Framington, New Mexico where we would then make the 2 hour round trip to the Four Corners Monument.  We wanted to take advantage of being able to fly to small airports to attractions that we would not be compelled to do on a commercial plane for less than a long weekend.

North Texas is very brown with fields of oil wells

Our halfway stop was Portales, NM.  Unfortunately those extra winks of sleep we needed so much to start the day resulted in really warm and bumpy weather.  Thanks to my weak stomach we stopped nearly an hour short of Framington and opted to over night in Santa Fe instead.

Landing in Santa Fe
Many water carrying helicopters to help fight the local forest fires

We were very lucky and got one of the last rooms at the hotel due to so many firefighters in town.  After getting unpacked we headed out to find a restaurant for dinner and stretch our legs.  The highest recommend restaurant was a brewery, Blue Corn Brewery, score for Rob!  We ordered Cooper his  first kids meal tonight, quesadilla and broccoli.

Cooper and Daddy at Blue Corn Brewery


Evening stroll after dinner, can you see Cooper’s little feet at my hips?

One of the last hotel rooms in town was an accessible room.  This meant a much lower tub and super splashing during bath-time, poor Daddy and super happy Cooper.

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