Day 1: It Fits!

It fits! 4 duffle bags, 2 backpacks, 2 formula containers, 2 packs of diapers, 2 blankets, 2 jackets, 1 pack n’ play, 1 cooler, 1 stroller, 1 feeding seat and 3 passengers all fit in the airplane.
We were challenged by low cold clouds this first day so we had to fly down to Portland and follow the Columbia River instead of flying over Snoqualmie Pass. Our plan was to stop every 2 hours or so and do two legs each fly day. We had planned to push hard and due 6 hours of flying the first day. We realize now this was crazy optimistic and not a tad bit realistic 🙂 Having to take the longer route, we ended up flying for 4 hours to cover the distance we typically cover in just 2 hours.

We made our first overnight of the trip in Boise, Idaho when the bumps became a little too much. The airport concierge was exceptional, they found, booked and drove us to a local hotel. We had not planned to stop so we didn’t have an overnight bag and had to unpack and bring all of our bags.
Cooper was very excited to get out of his car seat and get some fresh air as we checked out the area near the hotel.
Followed by the first of 15 nights of Cooper getting his bedtime routine in 7 different hotels.