Visiting Cousins

Cooper and I adventured to Arizona to finally meet his cousins and uncle for the first time. Rob went to New York to be in a college friend’s wedding (congrats John and Abby!). It was Cooper’s first time on a commercial airplane. I was most concerned about security, and both ways they were overly helpful and didn’t hassle me over his bottles or carrying him through the scanner in a Bjorn. Cooper did fantastic on the plane even though he slept only 20 minutes of the 3 hour flight each way.
One suggestion everyone had in preparation for this solo flight was to not worry about changing him on the plane and just do it after we landed. Cooper threw that idea into the wind with a big poop on the way down there. Fortunately, changing him in the airplane bathroom on the changing table really wasn’t bad at all, and the space is small enough you know you aren’t going anywhere if we hit some turbulence. 🙂 Now that I have changed him on the plane I no longer fear the unknown. I am also happy to report that neither one of us had to use the extra change of clothes I packed for the plane ride 🙂

This time of year in Tucson there are many afternoon thunderstorms which kept the weather cooler and we were very thankful for bearable temperatures. During one of the afternoon rain storms the girls insisted on putting their coats on because they were “cold” seeing the rain; it was still 90 degrees out 🙂 So much for any Seattle blood in these girls!

We had a handful of adventures while we were there and enjoyed a lot of family time hanging out. The girls all really enjoyed playing with Cooper on the activity mat and wanted to hold him for a little bit each day. He was a good sport and continued to smile throughout the hours of cousin entertainment. Fiona was a super helper and would make sure I had a burp cloth on my shoulder and loved to talk to us when I was feeding him. She also continued to remind me that “Cooper is hungry and needs to eat off of your boob.”

The adults helped Cooper celebrate this 3 month birthday with ice cream and wine.

On Sunday Nene (my mom) came down the 2.5 hour drive from Goodyear so we could all hang out. During our time together we took the girls miniature golfing for their first time. The girls loved mini golf which makes their Auntie so happy to hear. Daphne referred to her ball by the full name, “I am going to hit my miniature golf ball” which I thought was super cute.

We picked out Halloween costume fabric, in keeping with the tradition of working on hand-making their costumes together. We didn’t get to make them together this year during sister bonding time, but picking out the fabric was lots of fun.
As I was changing Cooper for a final time before we left for the airport, Stella pointed at Cooper and said “he has a tail.” I took the easy way out and pretended I didn’t hear her as I wasn’t ready for a boys vs. girls discussion as we walked out the door. I will have to tackle that one the next time we visit.
Finally my sister left me this fun surprise picture on my camera taking advantage of Cooper’s chill demeanor, nice chest hair Cooper!

Full set of pictures from Tucson trip here.