39.5 Weeks: I Think My Water Broke

In the 39th week of pregnancy we knew the baby was coming, but just didn’t know when, and kept hoping it would be before the June 22nd induce date.  Our request to the baby was that he come in the morning or afternoon so we could be well rested for the big day… that didn’t happen.

Here is a timeline of the most exciting day for both Rob and Kelly


10:05pm – Rob and Kelly go to bed

10:20pm – Kelly wakes up to use the restroom again, thinking this is going to be a very long night if Kelly is already needing to use the restroom again.  Realizing there was a lot more liquid than the typical restroom stop Rob gets woken up with the news that Kelly’s water has broken

10:40pm – Rob confirms that it is indeed Kelly’s water and calls Evergreen hospital, they confirm we should head in, but we can take our time.  We finish packing the hospital bag, take showers and get last minute items in order including taking a final pregnancy picture to wrap up the series.



12:00am – We arrive at the hospital and are sent to the triage room; it was a very slow night, so we  were the only ones in triage.  Kelly is dilated 3cms and 70% effaced and the baby’s position is still high

1:00am-3:00am – Walk around the maternity wing and Rob made a sandwich/snack run

3:00am-7:00am – Rested/Slept

7:00am – Kelly’s doctor, Dr. Russell, visits and 7:30 a.m. nurse Candace arrives on shift as their 1:1 nurse

7:45am – Pitocin is started, and Kelly receives her first IV.  This would have happened closer to 3am, but a rush of woman arrived very far along in labor they needed to wait for more nursing staff to start at 7am.  Begin more hallway walking.

9:50am – Return from walks and the Pitocin level is now at 10

12:55pm – Kelly is now 6cm dilated and 100% effaced

1:40pm – Epidural is complete, done by an anesthesiologist who flies with some of Rob’s airplane friends–they are everywhere 🙂

2:30pm – Pop remaining bag of water, dilation is 8 cms and baby’s position is at 0

4:35pm – Another exam, Kelly is dilated to 7 cms and the baby’s position to be at -1

7:00pm – Final exam, Kelly is still at 7cms and baby’s head is still above Kelly’s pelvis

7:30pm – Decide to do a c-section, Kelly’s first surgery so she was very nervous and uncontrollably shaking from 30 minutes before going into the room until over an hour after the surgery was complete

8:26pm – Baby boy Kochman arrives into this world.  As he was being pulled out he began to pee all over everything like a sprinkler 🙂  Dr. Russell confirms there is no way he would have arrived vaginally after seeing his size, especially his head size.  Rob was the first to hold baby and brought him over to Kelly, their nurse took fantastic pictures of the whole experience.

He was 9 lbs, 12 oz, 22″ in length (they had to use a tape measure at the end of the scale because he was longer than the ruler on the scale), with a 15″ head circumference. 

Pictures of the birth experience:   http://kochman.smugmug.com/Other/Welcome-Baby-Boy-Kochman/

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