37 Weeks: Packed

Rob and I took the big step and packed the hospital bag and completed the birth plan.  This along with a trip to Babies R Us for a few more items makes us feel we are as prepared as we can be for BK’s arrival, whenever that is…

I am now starting to get to the uncomfortable stage. It took 37 weeks so I have absolutely no complaints.  This week marks the first time having to loosen up my shoe laces to fit my swelling feet and my wedding rings no longer fitting.  BK’s feet now reach my right rib, and I have woken up a few times needing to massage them back down to get comfortable again.  The other two symptoms have been some acid reflux in the evenings if I eat dinner too late and most recently my right hand tingles and goes numb a few times each day.  Again no complaints, but wanted to capture the few sypmtoms I have had 🙂

BK Update:  Even though the books have said baby’s movement should start to slow down weeks ago as they run out of space, BK has not received this memo.  He is still moving around a ton, but the big difference now is that I can see/feel more movement from the outside than internally since there is a constant pressure on the inside.

Rob also test fit the carseat in the airplane, so we are getting ready for our first family airplane adventure.

BK's Carseat Test Fit in the Airplane

In the weekly doctor appointment today, they did an ultrasound, and he is indeed big: an estimated 8 lbs, 10 oz today, though it could be +/- 15% of that. Looks like we won’t be needing any premie clothes.

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