39 Weeks: Getting Closer

One week left until BK’s due date!  Rob and I are both convinced he won’t be arriving on or before his due date, but it has still been fun to count down…

Doctor visit: I am 1cm dialated and 50% effaced.  Both stats I could be at for weeks before he arrives, but at least they are small signs he might want to join us sometime this month.  She is also predicting him to be a 9lb 8oz baby.  I didn’t ask if that was at his due date or his induce date (probably because I don’t want to know).

This will be my last week working from the office, and then I will work from home until BK arrives.  We have been enjoying time with friends, with one planned activity a day on the weekends being the perfect amount given the energy that I have for each day.  Until the last couple of days, the rain has held off so we have been walking a couple of miles after dinner, which has been nice, and we look forward continuing it after the kiddo arrives.  I have been driving to work instead of taking the bus this week and didn’t realize how much I counted on my two naps a day.  I have started a new routine this week where I take a short snooze in the evening before Rob gets home.  Rob and I are both busy tying up loose ends at work and getting ready for my 20 week and his 3 week leave.

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