Getting ready to take off on our first commercial flight as a family of four. A friend of ours offered a “friends” deal on their condo in Kauai and we jumped at the chance for some warm sunshine in November.
The flight went incredibly smoothly and before we knew it we were getting ready to land.
We enjoyed 5 days full of time outside in the sunshine, playing in the pool and ocean, eating on the lanai, and taking walks.
Many meals were followed with a run in the grass to burn off some energy. It is really light here, but the sand and ocean are just a few feet on the other side of those trees.
Both boys were a bit hesitant in the water when we started the trip. By the end Cooper was jumping off the side and doing some swimming with his floaty with only a light touch from Mama or Daddy. Nicholas went from crying when his toes touched the water the first day to splashing in chest high water by the end.
The pool had two water slide that we all couldn’t get enough of.
Tons of digging in the sand and building sand castles. Some days we went straight from watching the sunrise to digging still in our jammies.
In addition to impressing us with the way his hair could blow in the wind like the palms, Nicholas introduced us to Popeye.
Popeye appears combined with some bouncing on his bottom and sniffing. Right now this is one of our favorite Nicholas facial expressions.
In the evenings Rob and I were able to enjoy some relaxation outside including making drinks out there so we wouldn’t wake the kiddos.
We stayed close to the condo for the most part, but took one day to adventure out to a shall ocean swimming area.
Many sand sculptures were made at the ocean park too.
Nicholas found his two front teeth in Kauai. His top left poked through on 11/13 and his top right poked through on 11/16. It only seems right that we make sure we are back in Kauai when it is time for them to come out to complete the process 🙂
We took advantage of our early risers and went out to the sand to watch the sunrise each morning in our jammies.
Rob got his coconut and Cooper thought it was pretty cool. Cooper shared one of his new expressions with us “cock-a-doodle-you” is what a chicken says…
Cooper wasn’t always up for photos, but Nicholas was a great sport.
Sometimes we could convince Cooper that taking pictures was so much fun that he would join in too.
Daddy and Nicholas (aka Mr. Grabby) time.
We had a bit of a scare (rapid heart rate, stretcher, ambulance, ER, monitored, released) with a trip to the hospital, but were back together again in the afternoon and able to enjoy one more day at the pool before flying home.