What a celebration! We got together as a PEPS family to celebrate the big first birthday milestone. Thanks to Erin’s great ROYGBIV idea (indigo was later substituted for pink due to the closeness in color to violet), we had a rainbow themed party. We made the kids matching shirts and then had a specific colored balloon and smash cake based on their birth order, Cooper is smack in the middle with the color yellow. Amanda did an over-the-top job hosting the party with so many crafty details highlighting our rainbow theme, it was incredible.
I am reminded every week just how fortunate we are to have met such incredible families through our baby group. Evantide Photography captured this special day for us including these great group pictures and then some family pictures.
One of the cutest pictures of the day came when Cooper decided he should put his finger in his friend Austin’s mouth. He second guessed this idea when Austin bit him, poor guy.
Here are a few of our favorite family pictures from the day, you can find all of the professional Evantide Photography and our personal pictures here.