First Haircut

Could I look any sadder? The cutting hasn’t even begun.

The first haircut, one of those experiences that can be told through pictures.  We were extra lucky to get to have Diane (Mom of my high school friends Jen and Steph) be his first hairstylist.  Cooper cried during most of the cutting process, but Diane won him over by the end when she let him hold the vibrating trimmers.

Daddy tried everything to make the experience fun
Official hair cutting picture – I believe there is a cheese stick in his mouth at this point.
Finally out of the chair with only a few trims left and still pretty sad.
What is this magical thing that you have placed in my hand, Diane? It almost makes me not so sad.
A happy ending – Diane gets to hold a happy Cooper while he checks out the vibrating trimmers 🙂
Final product from the front
Now mullet free in the back





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