Finding the Groove

We have been struggling with sleep in our house.  Nicholas is up 1-4 times each night and at least one of those times is “top of the lungs” screaming which can last for an hour or more.  Naps are also challenging where 20 minutes of sleeping alone in his crib at the same time of Cooper is considered a success.

Today the stars have aligned.  I am going to track the days actions to see if I can come up with any pattern to help this happen more than once every few weeks.  Nap time started around 12:45 with books for Cooper a diaper and nap song.  Next we headed into Nicholas’ room for another book, diaper change and nap song.  A binky was needed right away and I did go back in just a few minutes after putting him down when the crying escalated to screaming.  After that Nicholas slept for 1.5 hours.  He woke up and started crying pretty hard which looks like it was caused by pinning his head against the crib rails.  Once I went in there and straightened him out and settled him back down on his belly he slept another 30 minutes.  Unheard of!  The best part is Cooper was up for over an hour, but after getting him out of bed to use the potty he instantly fell asleep for 2 hours.  This means I had over 2 hours with only minor crib visits of dual sleeping!

Is it a tease or a trend?

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