A Seal

Big Boy

 A seal has joined our family.  Overnight Cooper’s cold turned into croup and he sounds like a very sad seal barking.  We can’t believe with just 3 days in daycare the germs already found him.  I ended up staying home to ensure he could be held, loved and get lots of sleep to try to fight this as easily as possible.  The doctor confirmed our fears that his first winter and being in daycare will mean 3 months of sickness.  I did like his analogy saying his immune system is like a library full of shelves and each cold is adding another book building up that library.  Hopefully we can get these colds out of his system soon and each winter will get better and better.

We were able to also do a weight check when we were there and Cooper is now up to 15.5lbs.  That is a 1.5lb weight gain in 2 weeks after not gaining anything for 2 months!  Looks like feeding him 8oz every feeding is doing the trick 🙂  He is even starting to hold his own bottle some of the time.

When digging up the garden for the winter we found this huge carrot, apparently we can grow big babies and carrots at the Kochman house 🙂

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