Category: Uncategorized

  • Easter Bunny Ears

    Perhaps those years of “creative” pictures dressing up the kids in silly ways is starting to rub off.  Nicholas was pretty excited to be a diapered bunny. I caught Cooper on the camera during his rest time trying on some bunny ears too.  They must have secretly liked it when we did it in the past 🙂…

  • Nana and Pop-Pop Visit

    Nana and Pop-pop came to visit and Nicholas got to show them around his toddler group.  They also coordinated nicely in their green shirts for St. Patrick’s Day. It was an extra special day because it was teddy bear picnic day at school for snack time. Nicholas loved getting a shoe assist from Pop-pop They…

  • Visiting Nene

    Sunshine, family and baseball, all amazing reasons to visit Nene in Goodyear for spring training.  Rob and Cooper traveled to a nearby town to see the Mariners play.  Cooper was over the moon getting to watch baseball and have Daddy time! Nicholas loved having craft time with Nene. We were able to all enjoy a…

  • Sugar Silliness

    Just a little bit excited they got to eat an entire chocolate dump truck sucker from Nicholas’ birthday party favors. The magic wipe.  N really thinks he disappears when he puts this wipe over his face and loves it! Sock gloves have had a much longer staying power than I ever thought.  It started when…

  • 2nd Birthday Party!

    We celebrated Nicholas with a small party at our house.   He loved having just a few friends and family over for his construction themed birthday. Nicholas aka Itty, Nicoletoe Burrito or Nickel with Mama and Daddy Singing to the birthday boy Pinterest and vehicles from Nene for the carrot birthday cake win.

  • 2 Years Old

    Our little guy is 2 today!  We are loving seeing more and more of this silly, clever and loving little guys personality each day. Stats: Weight 30lbs (74%), Height 34.5in (54%), Head Circumference 20in (97%) Getting his last night of rest as a 1 year old. Says Mama when he wakes up.  After a couple…

  • A Walker and a Pusher

    It looks a bit silly, but it just shows how different kids can be.  Cooper would hands down rather ride in a cart or stroller, always.  Nicholas really dislikes riding in a cart or stroller and there is some heavy negotiations happening each trip which usually includes at least some walking time.

  • Woodinville Toddler Group Reunion

    We met an incredible group of families when we started Woodinville Toddler Group with Cooper in 2013.  This group has grown with siblings, many who are close in age to Nicholas.  We try to get together a few times a year and every time I am reminded just how lucky we are to have met…

  • Haircuts and Celebration Taco Time

    Another successful haircut in time for the big 2nd birthday.  These boys love getting their haircut by Auntie Di Di and both sat in the chair by themselves. After the haircuts Daddy met us in Redmond where we headed out for dinner.  Daddy’s favorite line “Cooper what time is it?”  Cooper “Taco Time!”  This was…

  • Cooper at 3 3/4

    Cooper loves jumping.  It is his go to dance move.  He is a big fan of the Kinect Adventure game where you have to jump to go fast down a train track. He rarely naps, but when he does it is often in a unique place as if he just collapsed mid play.  Building pillow…