Category: Uncategorized

  • Toddler Group, First and Last Days

    Our little character on his last day of toddler group 2016, age 2. First day of toddler group 2015, age 1.5

  • Boys Weekend and Solo Auntie Visit

    Daddy and the boys had a wonderful boys weekend, which included airplane, of course.  They visited the Boeing museum and even caught the Dream Lifter landing. Auntie had a girls weekend with her nieces and sister in the Santa Cruz sunshine.  Kari and I did some wine tasting and then picked the girls up from…

  • Febrile Seizure

    One of my scariest experiences as a parent.  Nicholas wasn’t feeling well and was completely inconsolable.  I tried everything, but ultimately I put him in the Ergo and he was finally able to calm a little bit to try and get him to rest.  Just a few minutes after having him in the Ergo and…

  • Mother’s Day Run

    I It was a day of races this Mother’s Day.  I completed my first 5k, our friend Amanda ran a half marathon and the kids all ran their first kids race too. I did it!  I completed the couch to 5k running program and finished my first race ever.  The Mother’s Day 5k in Kirkland.…

  • Brothers in April

    . I have found them many times reading one of their favorite “Things that Go,” by Richard Scarry books together. It is time to move Nicholas to the balance bike and get Cooper a 2 wheeler with peddles.  He had selected this My Little Pony bike as his next ride.  We were not opposed to the…

  • Snohomish Train

    Today the boys and I went on their first train ride.  The event started with a scavenger hunt around the train station to learn more about trains and then ended with the ride.  We rode the train a short 15 minutes out to Snoqualmie falls and back.  It was beautiful and the boys can’t stop…

  • Crib Jump and Milk Cup

    Today Daddy returned from a week in England. From the time he sent a text that he landed, but before he even got to the car I heard big crys in Nicholas’ room.  As I raced up stairs I was greeted by a very upset Nicholas who had just fallen out of his crib.  This was…

  • Tiptoeing in the Tulips

    It had been 2 years since we visited the tulips with our PEPS friends and I was eager to take both boys up to see them again.  We were very fortunate that Grandma and Grandpa’s schedule was also free this Sunday and we were able to make the field visit together. Nicholas has the best…

  • Kicking Off April With Some Fun

    One of Nicholas’ first trips in the front seat during our family flight to dinner at Tacoma Narrows. Cooper has been asking to ride in the backseat with Mama.  Who knows perhaps in another year or two I can get my front seat status back after a 5+ year “assignment” to the backseat with kids. Checking…

  • March Brother Activities

    They love to be the cord managers when the lawn is being mowed and they are really good at it. They found one of our phones and figured out how to take a “selfie” These bath time buddies are getting so big in their hooded towels When the car wash line was too long they…