19 Weeks

This has been a fantastic week for our littlest family member. Rob and I were both able to feel it move for the first time. They had said we might not feel it as much because the placenta is on the front, but it has found a way to let us know it is in there. I have graduated from the belly roll to baby belly stage with “when is your baby due” comments made with confidence from complete strangers.
We had our 20 week ultrasound with the special 3d machine. We are very happy to report that the heart and all other parts of our little one are looking normal and we have graduated from the high risk birthing center back to our normal one. This was the best news we could get and we both felt so relieved and lucky to get this news when we know many others are not as fortunate. They are predicting an 8lb 12oz baby (1 pound lighter than Cooper at birth).
We have decided to wait a little bit to find out the gender of our baby. We had the technician write it on a card which we will give to a baker. We will find out when our friends and family do at a gender reveal party in a few days. Rob’s parents and sister are coming to town this weekend so we thought it would be a great way to find out the gender together.