First Week at Home
We are really enjoying all of the snuggle time with Cooper. Here is my favorite picture from the week.

We had two doctor appointments with a lactation specialist, a great benefit of our hospital. At our first appointment Cooper weighted in at 8lbs 12oz, down 10% from birth and lower than the 9lbs 4oz he weighed when he left the hospital. They started us on a formula supplement, have us waking him every 3 hours to eat and reduced the time I breastfeed to 10 minutes per side, down from 30-45 minutes. We went back for a second check-up on Wednesday where Cooper was back up to 9lbs, 4oz. They didn’t believe the difference since babies are supposed to grow at 1oz a day and he gained 8 ounces in just 2 days. Who knows if the first scale was off, but we definitely have a growing baby on our hands!As a family, we also ventured out to Target for our first non-doctor outing.
Rob has been a super trooper with my restriction of stair activity he has been cleaning/making all of the bottles and bringing me all my meals upstairs. It has been frustrating to be so needy, but I also know it will help me heal faster if I follow the doc’s directions.
We wanted to celebrate the big 1 week milestone so we got Cooper dressed up in his handmade (by Nana, Rob’s Mom) sweater and hat and ate brownies to celebrate this special day.
We ended this first week with another milestone. After changing over 40 diapers to my ~4 diapers Rob got peed on twice that night. I also received a special non-diapered poop experience. Way to crank out two more milestone in the last hours of your first week Cooper! 🙂 Here is our first family photo at home next to the sign that Rob’s parent’s friends had delivered to our house to announce the arrival of Cooper. We have been very blessed to have many visitors and meals brought to us which has been so helpful as we settle in.